2801 Frederica Road
St. Simons Island, Georgia
(912) 638-4673

Mutual Ministry
We have established a mutual ministry committee whose purpose is to serve as an independent conduit on issues of the congregation, council, and staff. Our main purpose is to affirm and strengthen the mission of our congregation and ministry. With your support, we will be able to accomplish that.
We are your listening post and sounding board and we welcome you to share your concerns with any of the committee members. You can be assured that we will handle every issue fairly, expeditiously, and with the hopes that any conflict may be resolved equitably to all involved. We also want to hear the good things our church is doing and welcome your positive comments. All issues brought to this committee remain completely confidential.
The committee is chaired by George Cressman; members are Brenda Tate, Don Long, Jim Fraser, and Renee Balka.
If you have questions, please call at (912) 638-4243.