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Endowment Form 



PURPOSE: The purpose of the Lord of Life (“LoL”) Endowment Fund is to receive and administer in a God – Pleasing manner, gifts and bequests to enhance and further the outreach work and ministry of the LOL congregation.

Definition of Outreach: Whatever LoL does that prepares members of the church to “make disciples” of others. 

Grant Review Procedure: The Fund Committee reviews requests for grants and provides proposals to the Church Council for action. In acting on the Committee’s proposals, the Church Council may approve the grant proposal, approve the proposal at a lower funding level, or deny the proposal. The church has set aside monies over the years for this specific purpose. Once the fund reached a designated amount the church is able, through interest from the fund, to offer grants to worthy projects.

The funds available to be granted are calculated as either 5% of the current balance of the fund or the interest from the past year, whichever is the smaller amount. This year the interest was $10,600.00 which equates to $2,650.00 for each quarter that can be given to a charitable organization. The fund can continue grow through contributions of Lord of Life members who identify in their giving, a percentage of their weekly or monthly giving,, that goes specifically to the Endowment Fund.

The fund also grows through memorials, gifts in honor of someone, stocks, and bonds, annuities, sale of property, and yearend tax-deductible gifts. As we grow this fund, so does our opportunity to give increases. Think what it would be like to double, triple, or quadruple the amount of money we could give to charity. Consider what charity you would want to bestow a financial gift on by simply filling out the form at the bottom of this page.
The form can be downloaded here, or can be obtained at the church office. The request form must be submitted by the 15th of the second month of each quarter . . . 
  - First quarter by 15 February
  - Second quarter by 15 May
  - Third quarter by 15 August
  - Fourth quarter 15 November

Once completed the form should be placed in the Lord of Life Endowment Fund Committee mailbox located outside of Pastor’s office.
The Endowment Fund Committee Chair, Bud Lensch


Every Sunday at 9:30

Every Sunday 9:30 am


Lord of Life Lutheran Church records our Sunday services live almost every Sunday and posts them on our YouTube channel. Click here to see the videos.


(912) 638-4673


2801 Frederica Rd,

St. Simons Island, Ga 31522




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